Radiographic film interpretation

Training Radiographic film interpretation

General Information:

Radiographic film interpretation (FT or RI) is a training that can be followed in addition to radiographic examination or as a separate training. In this process, the interpretation of the films that originate from the X-ray examination are assessed according to a standard or specification.

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Within radiography, a distinction is made between the recording/exposing of the X-ray and the interpretation of the X-ray.

Radiographic testing:

Before the start of the radiographic examination, the surface condition of the object must be geometrically uniform (grooves and sharp transitions can influence the interpretation). There are no high demands as to surface conditions to be able to perform the examination properly.

Ionizing radiation is used in order to carry out the research. This radiation has the characteristic that it can cause ions in the medium it passes through. It can be generated in an electrical device such as an X-ray tube. Or it can be obtained by the decay of a radioactive source from an unstable state to a stable. In both cases, only the massless energy packets/photons are used for the examination.

The radiation will be used to irradiate the object. By ionisations inside the object the radiation will be partially absorbed. Depending on the composition of the object, each section will present a different absorption. These absorption differences will be recorded by means of an X-ray. The more radiation reaches an X-ray, the darker it becomes. This is similar to the exposure time of a “normal” photo.

In order to assess the X-ray, it will first have to be developed by hand or an automatic process. Through the effect of the radiation, the molecular composition within the light-sensitive layer of the X-ray has changed. During the development process this will be converted into a visible black and white image.

Radiographic X-ray interpretation/reading:

The quality of the X-ray will have to be determined by means of the used picture quality indicator. Assessing/interpreting the captured image is complex, because a 3D object creates a projected 2D image. This obtained image will only consist of black and white and grayscale. Any imperfections in the object will have a different shade of grey (usually darker) with respect to the rest of the object, we call this an indication.

The identified indications are assessed by the inspector using the required standard and/or specification. The indication shall be assessed in accordance with the required standard, resulting in acceptable or unacceptable.


Volumetric examination on materials where both surface and internal defects such as cracks, binding errors, insufficient weld fills gas and slag (inclusions) can be demonstrated.

The examination can be applied to all materials, as long as they are not affected by the radiation applied to them, but in particular on the following products:

  • Blunt welded joints of plate-plate or pipe-pipe;
  • Casting parts of more complex geometry;
  • Examination of sandwich/honeycomb constructions in the aerospace industry;
  • Examination of composites in the aerospace industry;
  • Corrosion detection or wall thickness determination of piping, appendages and/or welds in the petrochemical, on/offshore and/or food industry;

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The training:

The training is only provided on Level 2. Because in this training only the interpretation/evaluation of X-rays is central, there is only one level. To gain more insight in the training and related costs, please read the information below.

Training Information Level 2

For whom

The training is set up and intended for (oncoming) NDT inspectors/operators for whom a qualification and/or certification is required. In addition, the training gives a detailed insight into the research, this is supporting information for each work planner, QC/QA & quality manager.

The following components are recommended for course participants:

  • A MBO-4 prior education or similar.
  • Basic knowledge of mathematics.
  • Interested in engineering.
  • Technical English, to be able to read standards, specifications & procedures.
  • It is an advantage to be in possession of a radiographic certificate or to have experience with radiographic work.


The training includes both a theoretical and a practical part. The training time will be divided 50/50 between the theoretical and practical part. During the training, under the supervision of experienced NDT specialists, the student will lay a foundation for future work.

The objectives

  • Acquaint the student with the basic principles and technical background of the radiographic testing with extra attention to the development process and absorption parameters that can influence the quality of the X-ray.
  • Ability to identify and interpret the X-ray/radiography according to the following standards:
    • ISO 6520-1
    • ISO 17636-1
    • ISO 10675-1
    • ASME V & VIII
  • Reading and interpreting procedures and/or specifications (mainly in English).
  • Assess whether the identified indications meet the acceptance criteria.
  • The unambiguous reporting of the results.

Content of the training

Basic knowledge of the NDT methods | Materials errors (Defectology) | The certification process and system | Physical basic principle of radiographic research | Choice of radiation source | Generating X-rays | Origin of gamma radiation | Interaction between radiation and object | Interpretation of radiography/X-rays | Working with and interpreting most common radiography standards | Process and quality controls | Safety, environment and health

Practical information

Training duration ISO 9712:
12 days including exam, certification process done via Hobéon SKNDO.

Training duration SNT-TC-1A or EN 4179:
12 days including exam, only exam report. Final certification will have to be done by the company through its own Written Practice.

Introduction Training SNT-TC-1A:
5 days excluding exam, if SNT-TC-1A exam is desired, the duration of the training will be extended by 1 day. TiaT will only provide an examination report, the final certification will have to be done by the company through its own Written Practice.

The training meets and can be completed with an exam(-s) in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9712 or according to the requirements of the Written Practice of the own company (SNT-TC-1A and/or EN4179). The exam consists of a theoretical (general and specific) part and a practical part. Both the training and the exam(-s) are tailored to the relevant industrial sectors (e.g.: Testing before and during use (including manufacturing), aviation or railway maintenance.


In order to be able to provide you as well as possible, we believe that a suitable quotation is desirable. Below is an overview of the different options:

Training Costs (incl. PED):
Re-examination cost theory:
Re-exam cost practice:
• Renewall cost practical (ISO 9712):
Re-certification costs (ISO 9712):
Introduction Training (SNT-TC-1A):

Price on request*
Price on request*
Price on request*
Price on request*
Price on request*
Price on request*

* Requested prices include examination, certification examination according to Certifying body, and the course days are fully catered.
If a training is completed in accordance with several certification schemes (for example: ISO 9712 and SNT-TC-1A), no additional fees will be charged, provided this concerns a standard exam. If customer-specific questions (for SNT-TC-1A) need to be prepared, € 170.00 – extra per exam(-s) will be charged.

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